Mexico city airport layover
Mexico city airport layover

I always think of this when I proceed and am nervous to be honest. is fun, but if you lose your stuff or someone picks your pocket (the area will be crowded on a Saturday afternoon) your trip is ruined. Thus, running all over Centro and seeing the National Palace, Cathedral, etc. One of my great fears when I travel and my hotel room is not ready or I have a long layover is that usually what I carry with me is very important - papers, money, etc. There are no lockers that are fully safe in the airport to leave yoru carry one bags.

mexico city airport layover

Keep in mind which Terminal you connect from if on another airline too. If you are flying a South American or other non-US/non-Mexican line that has limited service each day you won't find the check in counter open 9 hours prior to your flight. The larger Mexican airlines will have baggage check open. I assume you are flying the same airline. You will have to get your luggage and re-check it. The South American flights have already cleared and only the nearby (Texas) U.S. Immigration and Customs will be pretty easy at 9 am or 10 am on a Saturday.

Mexico city airport layover